Thursday, September 23, 2010

Delayed Delay

After not having internet for A MONTH I let my blog slide... But it is back and running and I hope you continue following my adventure. A lot has happened in a month so I will make a point form list of what major events have been going on:
  • I have learned how to use a topographic map and compass to navigate around the Rockies.
  • The class went on a five day backpacking trip but was snowed out on day four! 
  • We have spent the last week learning climbing knots, anchors, and mountaineering safety. Can you tie a munter hitch?
  • At all breaks at least half the class is in our climbing gym bouldering and creating climbing routes such as "Jersey Shore" that requires "The Situation" abs.

Photo Cred: Byron W. Crossing Sunken Creek on MAST outrip 1

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